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Pacific Prime Dubai: Making yarn wigs to empower children with cancer

This October, a truly unique team-building activity took place. Pacific Prime Dubai joined forces with two local charities, Companies for Good and The Mawada Project, to spend a day making yarn wigs that will be later donated to children with cancer in the United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, and Egypt. The Pacific Prime Dubai teams not only spent a great day connecting with each other, but the spirit of giving back to those in need increased their motivation to find other ways to help in the future.

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The yarn difference 

Children with cancer often miss out on all the fun they should be getting at their age, by being bed bound or feeling tired after cancer treatment. But, most importantly, children who undergo chemotherapy lose their hair, and their scalps are left too sensitive to wear traditional wigs, making coming back to “normal” a bit tougher. 

That’s where the soft and warm yarn wigs come into play. Fun and way more comfortable than the natural wigs, yarn wigs are an amazing substitute for children undergoing chemotherapy to wear and play outside of the hospital room. Every one of the 50 soft yarn wigs was crafted with care and creativity by our team members, and we’re all looking forward to giving them to young children in need.  

Watch our team working together during this happy and rewarding experience: 

Feedback from the teams made it clear that the activity was an uplifting and touching time that left them thinking of more ways they could give back to the world while working together as a team.

Who we partnered with for this charitable event 

The wig making event would not be possible without our partners “Companies for Good” and “The Mawada Project”, who were the activity facilitators. 

Companies for Good

Companies for Good organizes team building, volunteering, sustainability, CSR, and other fun and engaging activities that allow businesses to give back. They work with a large range of charities and organizations and help companies choose and match charitable activities that build the team spirit in a unique way of giving back. 

The Mawada Project

The Mawada Project aims at creating service-learning opportunities and experiences for youth in the UAE. Through their efforts, they bring people on a path of self-discovery and help them realize the power they have to make a difference in the world.

About us

Pacific Prime’s bread and butter is advising our clients on the best health insurance plans to meet their needs. We then further down the line help them to renew their policies, and in times of need, provide support when it comes to settling health insurance claims, and even organizing and advising on the best hospital or clinic for our client’s needs to ensure the insurance company covers it. Contact us if you’re interested in learning more.

We pride ourselves with every success story our clients share with us or with their friends, however, our ability and desire to help others doesn’t stop here. As we believe in giving back to the community, and those less fortunate than ourselves, Pacific Prime offices around the world are participating in a wide range of charitable actions, including sponsoring 8 schools in Sri Lanka and Laos, in collaboration with Room to Read Charity. On top of that, Pacific Prime is proud to organize educational sponsorships for youth from all over the world; you can read about the latest edition here.  

Content Creator at Pacific Prime Dubai
Elwira Skrybus is a content writer at Pacific Prime. In her everyday work, she is utilizing her previous social media and branding experience to create informative articles, guides, and reports to help our readers simplify the sometimes-puzzling world of international health insurance.

When she isn’t writing, you are most likely to find Elwira in search of the perfect plant-based burger or enjoying Hong Kong’s great outdoors either at the beach or from the boat - the closer to the sea, the better!