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Maternity Health Insurance Coverage for Dubai


pregnant woman stretching in the sunset after securing pregnancy health insurance

Maternity plans in Dubai

Maternity health insurance is incredibly important to ensure you and your child are protected fully while you bring them into this world. Insurers in Dubai have a variety of maternity health insurance plans on offer with different benefit options, room qualities, newborn care inclusions and a myriad of other choices between them.

You can talk to our highly trained experts to find the easiest and most effective plan for your family’s needs. We can explain your policy, and discuss the intricate details of your coverage to ensure your newborn will be protected by a top quality health insurance plan.

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Pacific Prime
Dubai offers:

  • Global coverage
  • Professional advice
  • 100% free quotes
  • Plans from top insurers
  • DHA compliant health plans

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Comprehensive maternity health plan coverage includes:

  • Care of newborn children
  • Fertility treatments
  • Treatment for congenital birth defects
  • Unexpected medical treatment for newborns with complications

Maternity coverage insures your costs for:

  • Pre and post-natal treatments & examination
  • Medically required Caesarians
  • Normal delivery
  • Delivery with complications
  • Delivery following fertility treatment
  • Hospital or home delivery

Maternity resource - Dubai

View our Maternity Guide to learn about what you will need to know if you are planning to become pregnant in Dubai, including the laws surrounding delivery in a Dubai hospital.


Read Guide

Newborn insurance

Comprehensive maternity health insurance coverage will offer unconditional acceptance of a newborn onto your medical insurance policy regardless of the state of health of your baby. In these cases, the newborn will be automatically covered and can be added as a member of your insurance plan shortly after birth (usually within 30 days of birth), as long as you inform your insurer. Of course, adding the newborn will also increase the annual premium.

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